Friday, December 18, 2009

Lazy Days.

After being on a non stop pace for the past two to three weeks, the kids and I have done absolutely nothing all day long for the past two days. Well, not noting, but as little as we could. It was so nice to not be in a hurry to do this or that or be somewhere. I will say that I think by the end of the night tonight, we were all feeling a little stir crazy and enjoyed our trip to Sonic to pick up food a little more than normal! haha! Tomorrow will be another busy day though!

The past two days have been mostly filled with playing in the floor, reading books, naps, dancing, and a couple of fun tv shows. The only thing that would have made it better would have been Daddy being home with us! He was hard at work though!
Here are some pictures of our "Staycation"!

I don't know if you can tell, but she is rocking a PONYTAIL and a BRAID!! I am LOVING having a little girl to play dress up with (and my boy to play super heroes with!)

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