Monday, November 23, 2009

Pig Flu

Sorry for my bad blogging habits lately! We are staying VERY busy these days.

Last week we were not able to be busy at all because our house was struck by SWINE FLU!
I will admit to being pretty freaked out when the doctor told us, but in all honesty, it was not that bad.
Both babes did not feel well at all for a day or two and then they were back to their normal selves.
Daniel and I never got it, thank the Lord! But we were still told to stay away from anyone because we would be carriers of the flu.
So we were all exiled away from Friday, when we found out, to Tuesday. We were all about to explode with cabin fever by the time Wednesday rolled around.

I did have to run out for medicines and things on Saturday, so I picked up these cookies and had the sweet lady at the bakery do some pig on them. Cookies always make you feel better! Dylan really got a kick out of it.

Swine Flu was one of my biggest fears of the season. I'm kind of glad its behind us now. The doctor said they most likely wont get it again (this year, I think). And I'm SO glad that it wasn't really THAT bad!
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