Saturday, August 8, 2009

London's first time to PLAY at the Playplace!!

Dylan loves to go the playplace at the mall, so when is a good boy for me while I shop (which is always ;p ), he gets to go play for a bit. I have always just held London or kept her in her stroller, but the past few times she gets so fussy with me wanting to get down. Y'all KNOW how germophobic I am with my babies, so it was pretty tough for me to let her loose this past visit. Y'all should have seen her little face light up in excitement though! It was so worth Mom's anxiety. She had a good ole time crawling around (and really they keep the floors very clean... or else I would have been a mean 'ole Mommy and not let her down) with the big kids. Dylan thought it was pretty spiffy that London was "playing" with him too. So, both kids had a good time and once we were all done I wiped London down with wet wipes and got Dylan's hands good with sanitizer and was happy myself! :)

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