Saturday, August 8, 2009

London Paisley is 10 months old...

I think I love each new stage even more than the last with this sweet little girl! She is so much fun these days and has really started to develop her own personality. She is quite sassy at time but so very sweet. She loves to snuggle her daddy and gives her big brother a run for his money!

Here's whats new for Miss London this past month:

*She has MASTERED the crawl. This girl can crawl some kind of fast!

*She has mastered the sippy cup, but still not a huge fan of it.

*She is pulling her self up and cruising.

*She walks really well while holding our hands or her doll stroller.
She has even been doing well only holding onto us with one hand!

*She understand and minds when you tell her "No".

*She started sleeping through the nights again. (She had been doing it but stopped for a couple of months)

*She takes her diaper off anytime it is dirty if she can get to it (Dresses and "diaper days)

*She pretends to be on the phone all the time! She'll hold anything that resembles a phone to her ear and babble. If she can't find a "phone", she'll just hold her hand flat to her ear. She LOOOOVES for me to let her really "talk" on my phone. We call my mom and Daniel quite often for her to "talk" to. She just loves it!

*Her new skills (I was calling them her tricks but was told by our good friend that she is not a dog, haha!) are:
-Putting her head on her shoulder or on your shoulder when you saw "Awww Wee, London" (cutest thing EVER)
-"Shares" her binkie with the person you ask her too. Example being if you say "London, can you share binkie with Bubba?" She will hand her binki to Dylan. She does get the wrong person every now and then, but still cute!
-Gives "Kisses" on the cheek and mouth (lots of slobber comes with these kiss, but so worth it)

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