Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas!!!

Oh my! We had such a wonderful Christmas this year. I was a little homesick last night on Christmas-Eve because that night is usually when my family gets together. Daniel and I really missed both of the families this year. With me being in retail, we haven't been able to leave Dallas since the summer. I knew in advance that I wouldn't be able to take off from October 1st through January, so we were prepared, but still a little homesick. We both felt so blessed to have each other and Dylan to be with though.

Last year, we had JUST moved here a few days before Christmas and things were a little tighter around here. We made the best of it and had a wonderful time anyways and shared lots of love and laughs and made great memories. We didn't put up a tree in part because of our budget (we moved out here 2 weeks before Daniel started working) and in part because it would be a waste to put a tree up for just a few days. Everyone assured me that Dylan wouldn't remember that Christmas much anyways, since he was only 2. I still couldn't handle have NO tree to unwrap his presents under, so I cut out a little tree from wrapping paper! It make Daniel and I both smile to see how far we have come! This year we had a really cute tree that fits us so well and lots and lots (maybe too many... I may have over compensated a tad) of gifts. We are truly blessed.

Dylan baking cookies for Santa...

Daniel and Dylan baking cookies for Santa!

I had to pick up where they left off!...

We hung out stockings with care ;)

What a lucky little boy!...

All Santa really needed to bring were the drums!

Good Morning and Merry Christmas!

Santa comes REALY EARLY!!!

Dylan opening gifts...

1 comment:

Shelley said...

It looks as though y'all had a GREAT Christmas!!!8)