Wednesday, December 12, 2007

WARNING: Lots of Photos!!!!!

The Christmas Program..
Dylan was getting upset with this little boy for turning around and talking. Eventually, he started trying to push the kid out of the chair during the program! :/
He was looking for us in the crowd.
I know this is fuzzy, but I wanted to post it because he is doing his little hand motions to the song they were singing!
I love this one

Star in the making.

Silly face...

Are you talking to me?!?

This face is priceless.

We just couldn't quite get a smile. ;)

1 comment:

Shelley said...

LOVE the hair!!;)

I enjoyed looking at all the sweet pictures of your family...y'all are soooo cute!!

Thank you for the encouraging words about going back to work and leaving Conner. (I couldn't remember if I told you already) Oh well, if I did, then I mean it just as much again! It's going to be so tough, but knowing that you along with other FANTASTIC moms out there have done it, makes me feel a little better. Thank you!

Oh, and the house didn't work out...BIG sigh!8( We know that God will open another door though.

Love you ~ Sorry for the book!;)