Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Happy Birthday, Daniel!!

My hansom hubby had a birthday this past weekend. He has been working 72+ hours a week for the past three months and has not had a full weekend off in about that long. So, I can not even tell you how excited we were when we found out he was going to have not only one but TWO days in a row off this weekend! WoooHooo! I think that might have been the best present for his birthday!

We celebrated with a day full of family time. That morning, Daniel took Dylan to Lowe's to their Build and Grow clinic. They built a little wooden school bus. Dylan was sooooo excited for Daniel to take him. Poor little guy has been stuck with me taking him this whole summer. After that, my mom took us to lunch for Daniel favorite food, sushi. Then, we just came home and relaxed and visited with my mom. I cooked one of Daniel's favorite meals for dinner. The kids "surprised" Daniel with a cake after dinner. Dylan picked the flavor and color of the icing. He also told me what to write. The cake read "Super Daddy... Happy 25th Birthday". It was not what I would have made if I were choosing, but I knew it would mean a lot to Daniel that Dylan picked everything out, and it meant a lot to Dylan too. Daniel loved the cake and the kids were so excited to give it to him.

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