Friday, January 1, 2010

This year, we decided to do finger foods and dips for supper. It was very laid back and relaxed... and we all loved i. Dylan loved that it was "like a Christmas Party!!!" Daniel and I think this will be a new Hilburn Tradition! :)

After Super, Dylan and I made our cookies for Santa.

This was Dylan's first year to write part of his Santa letter. I was so proud of him! He wrote the "Dear Santa" and signed his name. He also wrote the I "heart" you and drew a picture. He had me write the actual letter. It read, "I want lots of toys. I have been good every year. That will be all." haha! So Dylan! Part of me wanted to push him towards something a little "sweeter" but I really wanted it to be straight from him, so we left it as it was.

Here is big man with his cookies to Santa.
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