Friday, June 5, 2009

Dylan is Swimming with out floaties!!

Can you believe that!? I was shocked!! My big boy 4 year old is swimming (and pretty well) all by himself!! :O

Yesterday I took the kids to my moms to swim. Dylan has been my little aqua baby from day 1 and has been swimming super well with floaties since he was two. People would ask us all the time how old he was because they couldn't believe they were seeing such a little guy get all around the pool so well on his own (with floaties). Well, yesterday I asked Dylan if he wanted me to show him how to swim without floaties. He said yes. I worked with him for, I kid you not, MAYBE 5 min and he was swimming on his own. As much as he loves the water and is fearless about it, I really didn't expect him to just up and take off like that. I was almost in tears.

My sweet little Dylan is growing up so fast. Just the other night he came and asked if I would cuddle him (talk about melting my heart) before he went to be bed. So, of course I did and he fell asleep with his head in my lap. I couldn't stop staring at my beautiful boy. I told Daniel that I don't know when it happened but there was not an ounce of baby left in our little guy anymore. We laughed about how he is now too tall to stand under our kitchen bar for his time outs (not that my angelic little boy ever needs those, haha). When we moved here, less than two years ago, he had plenty of room under the bar. He has really shot up in height this year. Along with a spurt in height came a spurt in so many other aspects of his little life. His speech if finally clear, he is writing, and he comprehends so much. Its bitter sweet to see my sweet baby boy grow up so fast.

Okay, this whole post was supposed to be for you to know that our boy is SWIMMING!! Here is a video to prove it. ;)

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