Friday, October 17, 2008

Memom and Umpa are in Town!

Daniel's Mom and Dad were able to come visit us for a few days this week. We were all very excited to see them, but I think Dylan was most excited. Umpa and Memom were so sweet to bring Dylan several new toys and London the cutest play mat. London loves her mat so much, she played until she fell asleep on it today. Umpa helped Daniel put together Dylan big boy bed (THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!), so Dylan isn't sleeping on the floor anymore! A few more decorations put up... and his "big boy room" will be done! I'll post pictures later. While both kiddos were spoiled during the visit, Memom REALLY has London loving being held ALL THE TIME! :) lol! Memom did point out that London might have already been on her way to this point... hmmm. :D

We love you guys and can't wait for Christmas so we can see you again!! Dylan will be happy that he can stay at your house this time!

(Yep, Thats Umpa under the bed!)

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