Thursday, October 23, 2008

Check Ups for the Kids!

Dylan and London were both due for check-ups, so I set them up to have an appointment together. Dylan's was his 4 yr old and London was for her 2 week old ones. Both of them did great and everything looks awesome for them both. Here are the details:

*36lbs and 41(almost) inches. He's in the 50th percentile for both height and weight.
*They tested his ears and eyes and both came back perfect.
*The doctor said he is right on track with everything.
*She said that he is speaking enough and she can understand most everything but felt like he had a little trouble with pronunciation (which we knew and were planning to ask about). So, she said that if we wanted to look into a little speech therapy for him, she had someone great. We are going to try it out in a month or so.
*The nurses all fell in love with our little guy, but that's not surprising! :)
*He had to get 5 shots!!! Poor baby! He did really well though. He cried for a bit and was all better. We also had them give him the Flue Mist, but that doesn't hurt. We took him to Chick-fil-a after the appointment and then his Daddy took him to the movies and book store. We made a really big deal out of how big he was for getting all those shots.

*9lb 11oz!! 21 and a half in. She is in 90th percentile for height and weight.
* Everything still looks great with her. Doctor said we can give her a little bit more to eat as soon as she is ready and to start having "tummy time" with her to build her little muscle even more.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Hanging Out around the House...

Beauty rest...

Dylan loves his baby sister! My sweet boy!
Enjoying our new play mat and swing...

London's First Real Bath!!!

Umbilical cord off, we couldn't wait to take a REAL bath. Dylan and I hopped in mine and Daniel's tub with London and helped her get bathed off. She LOVED it. I was a bit surprised b/c she hated her sponge baths SOOOO much! Here are some pics...

In the tub...
My little Dino and Duck...

All cozy in our pjs...