Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas!!!

Oh my! We had such a wonderful Christmas this year. I was a little homesick last night on Christmas-Eve because that night is usually when my family gets together. Daniel and I really missed both of the families this year. With me being in retail, we haven't been able to leave Dallas since the summer. I knew in advance that I wouldn't be able to take off from October 1st through January, so we were prepared, but still a little homesick. We both felt so blessed to have each other and Dylan to be with though.

Last year, we had JUST moved here a few days before Christmas and things were a little tighter around here. We made the best of it and had a wonderful time anyways and shared lots of love and laughs and made great memories. We didn't put up a tree in part because of our budget (we moved out here 2 weeks before Daniel started working) and in part because it would be a waste to put a tree up for just a few days. Everyone assured me that Dylan wouldn't remember that Christmas much anyways, since he was only 2. I still couldn't handle have NO tree to unwrap his presents under, so I cut out a little tree from wrapping paper! It make Daniel and I both smile to see how far we have come! This year we had a really cute tree that fits us so well and lots and lots (maybe too many... I may have over compensated a tad) of gifts. We are truly blessed.

Dylan baking cookies for Santa...

Daniel and Dylan baking cookies for Santa!

I had to pick up where they left off!...

We hung out stockings with care ;)

What a lucky little boy!...

All Santa really needed to bring were the drums!

Good Morning and Merry Christmas!

Santa comes REALY EARLY!!!

Dylan opening gifts...

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Dylan's Christmas Party

Dylan had a Christmas party at his school this past Thursday. I am the class Room Mother, so we always have lots of fun with the parties. I ordered Chick-fil-a for the kids and made a fruit salad. I have a great group of moms that always pitch in and help a ton. I couldn't do any of it with out them. For fun, Dylan and I bought Santa hats at Walmart for everyone in the class and I painted thier names on them. It was a great little gift for him to give his friends a super cute at the party! Dylan's favorite part of the party was the gift exchange. Each kid brought a book and we plade a game like Hot Potatoe to music. Whoever had the book in thier hand when the music stopped, opened it and got to keep it!

Dylan at the Party.

Dylan was showing out because he didn't want any more pictures taken. Opening his book.
This isn't from the party. I'm just proud that I have some presents wrapped and under the tree! I was suprised at how many presents there are. These are just the ones from Daniel and I to Dylan and some from me to Daniel. Santa still has to come! Maybe I over did it some!!!!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

WARNING: Lots of Photos!!!!!

The Christmas Program..
Dylan was getting upset with this little boy for turning around and talking. Eventually, he started trying to push the kid out of the chair during the program! :/
He was looking for us in the crowd.
I know this is fuzzy, but I wanted to post it because he is doing his little hand motions to the song they were singing!
I love this one

Star in the making.

Silly face...

Are you talking to me?!?

This face is priceless.

We just couldn't quite get a smile. ;)

Family Pictures

Dylan was so so tired of taking pictures!
What a trooper! 8)

True Love...

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Oh Christmas Tree!!

We finally put up our Christmas tree last night! Dylan had a blast!! He did help with putting on some of the ornaments, but mainly he wanted to sing for us. He was a big help and really set the mood! :). We had planned on getting a traditional green tree, but when we saw this little while one, we thought it was perfect for us. Its very bright and festive. I wasn't so sure about it, because I normally would want a big traditional tree with decorated with golds and reds (Mom, does that sound familiar at all? ;P). I couldn't be happier with it though. It really really fits us. Daniel did a great job picking out the colors of the ornaments with me and calculating how many we would need before we bought them! haha! It turned out just right too!
Daniel and Dylan putting on the first ball!Dylan and I decorating the Tree Dylan was serious about this! :) Daniel did hold me up to put the star on, but then he had to fix it...
Dylan rocking out and singing "Jingle Bells".

Our little Tree...

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Date Night!!!

Daniel and I attended a party hosted by his company this past Friday night. The two of us don't have very many date nights. I don't like to leave Dylan, at all. My mom was so sweet to keep him though, and we had a BLAST! We are really blessed to have such a great group of friends, who are really like family to us. It really was great to be able to have a night to hang out with them and meet some new people. Here are a few pictures from the party...

Daniel and I before we left.

Girls, Girls, Girls...

Daniel singing! I could never do it! But he did great!!

Haha! I love this one!