Thursday, December 16, 2010

Cake Pops

I told the ladies that planned Dylan's party I would bring a fun little treat for the kids. What is more fun that Cake Pops!? I thought that everyone had surely heard of cake pops before, but apparently not, because everyone was pretty amazed with the little things! If you have never heard of them (really, I thought EVERYONE knew) you can learn all about them here: They were a big hit and really not hard to make at all, though they are a little time consuming.

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Since it was such a fun morning, we decided to treat the kiddos to some chick-fil-a. It is there favorite place to "eat" (really, I should say PLAY).

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Dylan's Christmas Party

Its been a busy week! I put on a luncheon for all the kindergarten and prek teachers at Dylan school yesterday, and today Dylan had his school Christmas program and party (not to mention we have checkups for both babes and basketball practice still to do today!).

Dylan had lots of fun at his Christmas party. I always love watching him at school. It is his own little space and its cool to have a window into it every now and then. Daniel and London also joined us this morning at the program and the party. Dylan was so excited that Daniel was able to take the day off and be there. London had a big ole time at the party. She mainly played with her good little buddy, Bekham.

My proud mommy moment of the party was when Dylan thanked the two moms who had planned the party for "a lovely party". The moms know him pretty well, but were so tickled by the way he phrased that. Two other moms commented on what wonderful manors our sweet boy has. He is a sweetie pie!

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Dylans School Program

Dylan had his School Christmas Pagent this morning. He was SO cute. Several of the moms came up to me after the program to tell me how great Dylan was, that makes for a proud Momma! I'll try to add video later.

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Thursday, December 9, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

I don't know WHAT was wrong with me, but I only took four dinky pictures on Thanksgiving day. I must have been slightly sick. It was our usual get together with my family and lovely as usual!

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