Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Quick Catch Up

I have been a bad blogger this month. Things have just been so busy. I wanted to catch up though before I have TONS of pictures to upload from the holidays. I did them as collages because its much faster and I have a ton to do right now. :). Family (or friends...), if you want any pictures individually just email me and I will send them to you.

These are just some silly, fun pics of Dylan:

One of our random "photo shoots". :) :

Dylan's Christmas Party. I will have to come back and update more on how the party went. I will also re post some of the pics later since you can hardly see some of these:

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Officially 2 Months!

I didn't think I was going to have time to take any pictures of her last Friday, so I took her "2 month" pictures the day before. We ended up with some free time though, so I snapped just a few more. I just can't help myself. lol!

Dylan's Christmas Concert:

Dylan had his Christmas concert at school last night. His Grammy was able to come with us and he did a great job! I am sad to report, we didn't actually get to see him much due to him being behind a huge kid. lol! Oh well, he still had a blast! After the program, Grammy treated everyone to coffee and a snack (Italian soda for Dylan). London even got to get all dolled up (Thank you Miss Katrina!), so you know I had to take some pictures! :)

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

A new skill :)

I decided I would try my hand at uploading some videos. I take little shots of the kids pretty often to send to Daniel via text message during the day while he is at work, so I had all of these on my phone. I thought I would try sharing. :) The last one of Dylan is from this summer, so its a bit old.

London "Talking":

Dylan's saying the Pledge:

London smiling:

Dylan Singing:

Thursday, December 4, 2008

In case that wasn't enough:

Big brother was at school during our "2month photo shoot". But when he got home he was happy to pose for some pictures with his baby sister!

And one of just my Silly Dilly!:

London is 2 months!

Well, she will be tomorrow. I have a lot to get done tomorrow, so I decided I would post a day early! I can not believe how time is just flying! She is such a sweet little girl and a joy to our family!
So here are some milestones from the past month:
*She is taking 5 oz of formula at every feeding and a 6 oz bottle at night.
*For the past week, she has been sleeping for 6 ours or more at a time during the night!
*She is smiling like crazy!!
*She is staying awake for much longer intervals during the day in between her naps.
*She already loves her big brother so much! He can always get a smile from her.
*She coos a good bit now.

Now for the goods :).

Monday, December 1, 2008

Thanksgiving photos:

I actually didn't get take too many pictures while we were at Jona's house. We were all so busy cooking, eating, and enjoying each other's company to take time out. We did get a few though.
Our Family:

My sweet babies:

Grammy with her all of her grandkids.

Boys playing ball.

Boys playing: